Catching up
Whew! If busy is good, this week has been terrific. I've been up to my eyebrows in documents. On the holiday, I worked 13 hours and it's been pretty steady each day since. This is the flurry I was warned about, the peak in the cycle. Just a couple more days of this, then things will begin to settle down again.
How about this weather? The walks at work were dubbed Liability Lane. The ice sat for a couple of days before somebody realized that an application of salt was probably much less expensive than a lawsuit. Ironically, the view from the entrance of the building is of one of Baltimore County's huge salt domes. So close, but yet ...
Today it's supposed to get into the mid-40's. I've got to locate our tanning oil before I leave for work. Maybe at lunch I can slip outside and begin to build a base.
I'm sure there will be much more later. A good friend ( reminded me yesterday that I have a blog. I've been terribly remiss in lavishing any attention this direction. Something about coming home and staring at a monitor just seemed too reminiscent of the previous several hours.