Tuesday, November 25, 2003

Da Job, Da Fam, and Da Bird

So how's the job, folks ask. Well, it's just dandy. I have nothing to do and a clean dry place in which to do it. Seriously, it's a pleasure to be in an environment in which courtesy and politeness are embraced as values. Some of that was missing in my hauling/electrician days. Just a bit, mind you, but some of it. I have yet to be provided a place in which to sit and a computer at which to work, so I've been reading documents, documents, documents. And I can not find my glasses anywhere. But that's another story. We're working on the house. Not that it matters. I think I left them at church. Or in the truck. All of which is to say that I haven't the foggiest notion where they are. If I had them at least I could see to find them. But that sort of defeats the purpose, doesn't it?

Amy, you're right. We do have a great family. I'm glad you're home and having a great time. Relax and enjoy it. You've worked awfully hard lately.

Thursday is just around the corner. Kathy and Jay are in town and staying with Anne and John. They're cooking the bird this year. I'm already warned, "You don't eat the bird, you don't get the pie!" I think I messed up last year. Maybe I should fast tomorrw.

What a silly idea. Scratch that. I have no idea what I was thinking just then.

I hope you're all having a great day. We're off to dance class in a moment. I've got to put on my tutu (just kidding. That's crazy. Nobody would see my tights and leotard if I dressed like that.)



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