Wednesday, November 19, 2003

Well, well ...

It's a rainy day here in dear old Maryland. Normally that would suck (I am almost as confirmed in my admiration for sunshine as I am in my admiration for Macs). But today is somewhat different.

The normal rainy day things happened today. I got up and cleaned stalls. I went back to the branch-hauling job and pulled another half-ton of brush out of the ladies backyard (it wasn't raining yet). Then I received a delayed (I suppose) voicemail message that she and her husband were unhappy with me because the job wasn't completed yet and I wasn't there even though it was not raining. Okay. That kind of stuff is still happening and I'm apparently a bad boy. But guess what? Five deer just walked across the yard.

I know, I know. Big deal. Deer do that. But you don't understand. It's 4 in the afternoon. The sky is a decidedly overcast light grey with drizzle. It's dim enough that the neighbor's security light is lit on the front of her barn. And five deer just quietly traipsed across the yard. It was beautiful. And no unhappy customer can take that moment. Is that cool or what?

Oh yeah. I also got a call from the HR person at Lockheed Martin and I start on Monday. This rain day has all kinds of mitigating factors.

I head off to Cornerstone to practice for their Sunday service shortly. We're doing a couple of songs I really like and one I don't know. It should be fun. Also, I put on dress clothes when I got back from my morning hauling. I needed the practice. It feels kind of nice. Jeans are comfortable, but it will be nice to wear clothing that doesn't smell as if it will promote plant growth.

Whose turn is it to write back?



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