Saturday, December 06, 2003

Oh the Weather Outside is ...

Whiteful. A very fine snow continues to drop from the clouds. The sky is a bleak mirror of the bright white ground. And it's still a great day. That's because I went, with the full permission of my lovely spouse, and purchased an iPod last night. I hooked it up and loaded it last night and listened to it this morning. It sounds great! Now the days at work will be filled with the sounds of jazz instrumentals, virtuoso guitarists, and all sorts of eclectic offerings. What a difference that will make.

Today we'll go dig out Anne and John. It shouldn't take too long. This is a dry, blowing snow. Meanwhile, I have hotcakes on my mind. That and a yearning to be elsewhere. I think I can combine the two urges and convince my ladies that breakfast would taste that much better if we had no dishes when it was over. For all you who are interested, this is a Contrarian meal. That means the flavor of the hotcakes must be nearly eclipsed by the flavors of butter and syrup. Any fruit garnish must remain on the plate until the hotcakes are gone. Side orders should be something on the order of a sticky bun or pecan roll. It's not about how you look, it's about how you feel. And nobody but you can tell you that. So eat heartily.

Habba Guday!


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