Thursday, July 21, 2005


I miss most of the news, but ran across remarks made by a legislator from Colorado, a Mr. Tancredo, to the effect that bombing Mecca in retribution for a major attack on the U.S. by Muslim extremists is a viable alternative. Fortunately, there are conservaties--some who actually don't froth or eat their young, some of my dear friends will be surprised to learn--who have a balanced response to such a proposed course of action. Talk show host Hugh Hewitt says:

"I want to be very clear on this. No responsible American can endorse the idea that the U.S. is in a war with Islam. That is repugnant and wrong, and bloggers and writers and would-be bloggers and writers have to chose sides on this, especially if you are a center-right blogger. The idea that all of Islam is the problem is a fringe opinion. It cannot be welcomed into mainstream thought because it is factually wrong. If Tancredo's blunder does not offend you, then you do not understand the GWOT (Global War on Terrorism)."


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