Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Where Have All My Callouses Gone?

I picked up my axes for the first time in far too long tonight. I've only played three times now since Heartland merged with Cornerstone. After dropping Darling off at dance class, I met a fellow at church and plugged in. We quickly established a couple of things. 1) He needs to remember to bring his capo. 2) I have not yet developed any reliable instinct for landing on the right place on my fretless.

Despite that, it was wonderful to play again. There's something about the bass that demands community. Even bass players are not particularly fond of bass solo pieces. It's all about the pocket and groove. And that is only achieved by melding with another musician. I think that is why I enjoy it so much.

For a little less than an hour tonight I was an eager participant in the musician's version of a first date. A little nervous, a little curious, a little tentative, but fully immersed in determining at least a part of what made the other person tick and flowing with that to create a unique connection.

Happiness is a Big Bottom. Long Live the Phat Strings!


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