Monday, July 26, 2004

Ship 'em out!

This weekend I helped a friend rebuild and rehang a gate. It took 5 bowls of tobacco and three beers each, but it's done. Now he is on his way to Chicago. Probably to get away from the gate. He has my iPod. He's a convert. I did a special playlist for him that takes him right back to high school. Yup. He's outta here for a week.

This Friday, my daughter hits the friendly skies for a trip to visit my folks. She's taking the backpack I intended to pack in, her CD player, and a surprise for all the family. For those of you thinking the worst, no. She's not. She's just done a little something drastic that will surprise a few people. But after Friday morning, she's outta here for a week.

The following weekend, I follow my daughter. I've done nothing drastic. But I will be attending the 70-somethingth semi-annual Houts-Barber reunion. It's being held on the grounds where I spent the last eight years of my life in Indiana. That's right. They couldn't get the pavilion at the city park so Dad said, "Let's have it here." It almost has a Mickey Rooney/Judy Garland sound, doesn't it? "Say kids, let's put on a family reunion!" All I can say is, "Lordy, what a lovely way to blow a diet." So I'm outta here for a quick weekend.

Pray for Joan. She'll be handling Coby by herself.


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